Come and Share at FIA DUBLIN with EXPERIMEDIA and FI projects

posted 2 May 2013, 04:29 by Michael Boniface
Thurday 9th May 11h30

Following on from SESERV's work on user engagement we're please to announce an exciting FIA session on Scaling-up stakeholders’ engagement: ‘from the lab into the real world’

Many ‘Future Internet’ projects face the challenge of scaling-up the innovative internet services that they developed or experimented with in their projects. Such scaling-up requires large-scale adoption by stakeholders, especially by engaging (local) communities of users and engaging (local) businesses and entrepreneurs. In this workshop, we will address this challenge. We will share insights and practical experiences, regarding human-centred innovation and business modelling. As a participant, you will increase your understanding of possible approaches for successfully scaling-up innovative internet services: ‘from the lab into the real world’.

for more information about the workshop:
workshop title : Bringing users in

about the organisator