Connecting e-Infrastructures to the Digital Agenda

posted 21 Mar 2012, 03:42 by Eric Meyer
The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) has released a new report e-Infrastructures in support of the Digital Agenda. The report offers a number of recommendations relevant to SESERV and the Future Internet, including:
  • Stressing the need to establish user-community centric approaches to e-Infrastructure. SESERV is currently running focus groups on how to develop user-centric approaches to the FI.
  • The removal of barriers to cross-border cooperation, and providing the ability to coordinate across different levels of stakeholders.  SESERV is also organizing focus groups on this challenge with regard to the Future Internet.
  • The importance of interoperability, trust and security, and research and innovation, all of which have been key themes of SESERV workshops and events.
