FISE Community Now LinkedIn

posted 15 Apr 2011, 15:34 by Michael Boniface   [ updated 19 Aug 2011, 03:00 ]
The FISE Community is now supported through LinkedIn marking a new phase in the history of the group. FISE was born from the European Future Networks cluster and has played a major role in the organisation of the Future Internet Assembly from the first event in Bled 2008 through to today. Over this period, FISE has provided a socio-economics perspective to the Future Internet community through dedicated FIA sessions and contributions to vision papers, some of which helped define the Future Internet Public Private Partnership due to launch in Brussels on 3rd May 2011.

Through SESERV, FISE will be strengthened by creating a multidisciplinary community of researchers and professionals working at the boundaries of society, economy, regulation and technology. Whether you are looking for new perspectives on Future Internet research or just want more impact from your technology the FISE community has the potential to help you.