Express your socio-economic priorities with the SESERV survey

posted 11 Apr 2011, 02:56 by Michael Boniface   [ updated 11 Apr 2011, 09:59 ]
This survey is targeted at projects funded by the European Commission to develop aspects of the Future Internet. The SESERV project is surveying these Future Internet / FIA projects in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the social and economic issues that have arisen, or may arise, from the sorts of technologies being developed.The outcome will be used to prioritise socio-economic workshops and other events so they remain relevant and useful for the community.

This survey is not anonymous, since as part of our role with the Commission, we will be inviting representatives of some of the projects to attend workshops and FIA sessions. However, any report or publication of these data will be aggregated and anonymized so your responses will not be individually identifiable.

This is a short survey, and should only take 10 minutes of your time. If you have trouble with the survey, please contact

Please fill in the survey at
