Date | Event | Location | Description | Important Deadlines | FISE Outcomes |
2012/10/16-17 | Internet of Services Collaboration | Brussels, Belgium | This event is co-organised by the HOLA! project and the European Commission. It is foreseen for coordinators of FP7 ICT projects funded under Objectives 1.2 from Call 5 and Call 8. Projects outside these areas that are contributing to the Future Internet Assembly and that want to collaborate with the Objective 1.2 projects are welcome. | None | View |
2012/10/15-18 | NEM Summit 2012 | Istanbul, Turkey | Implementing the Future Media Internet towards New Horizons | Gone! | |
2012/10/10-11 | Annual Privacy Forum 2012 (APF’2012) | Limassol, Cyprus | The Unit "Trust and Security" (F5) of the European Commission's Directorate General Information Society and Media (DG INFSO),the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and the Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus organize this event with the objective to provide a forum to academia, industry and policy makers in the field. | | |
2012/10/10-11 | Future Networks Cluster Meeting | Brussels Belgium | The purpose of the Concertation meeting is to bring together the ongoing FP7 projects funded under the Future Networks objective and facilitate exchange of results and achievements, and build consensus. | None | |
2012/08/31 | 18th EUNICE Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (EUNICE 2012) | Budapest, Hungary | The EUNICE network has been created to foster the mobility of students, faculty members and research scientists working in the field of information and communication technologies and to promote educational and research cooperations between its member institutions. | | View |
2012/08/29-31 | 18th EUNICE Conference on Information and Communications Technologies | Budapest, Hungary | The aim of the annual EUNICE conference is to provide a forum that brings together young researchers and scientist from Europe and neighboring regions to meet and exchange ideas and recent works on all aspect of information and communication technologies. | | |
2012/08/13-17 | EINS Summer School 2012 - "Internet Privacy and Identity, Trust and Reputation Mechanisms," | Oxford, UK | The principal aim of the programme is to promote interdisciplinary discussion of issues related to Internet Science among early career researchers (advanced PhD students and those in the first four years of their post-doctoral research career) and industry professionals engaged in work related to Internet privacy and identity, trust and reputation mechanisms. | | |
2012/08/12-18 | Internet Science Summer School 2012 | Oxford, UK | The principal aim of the programme is to promote interdisciplinary discussion of issues related to Internet Science among early career researchers (advanced PhD students and those in the first four years of their research career) engaged in research related to Internet privacy and identity, trust and reputation mechanisms. | | View |
2012/07/04-06 | Future Network & Mobile Summit 2012 (FuNeMS 2012) Workshop on "Cloud Networking – Technical and Business Challenges" | Berlin, Germany | In the context of convergence and innovation, the 21st Future Network and MobileSummit will address the challenges of building the Future Internet Infrastructures, based on mobile, wireless and fixed broadband communications technologies. | | View |
2012/07/04-06 | "Workshop on Cloud Networking - technical and business challenges", collocated with FuNeMS 2012 | Berlin, Germany | | | |
2012/07/03 | SAIL Workshop | Berlin, Germany | | | |
2012/06/25 | 2nd FIA Research Roadmap Workshop - Looking to the Horizon | Brussels, Belgium | The workshop will be an opportunity to present new major research themes that addressing the Future Internet and to comment on those described in the current roadmap document. The workshop will comprise a mix of short presentations and interactive debate, building the results of the first workshop held in 2011. | | |
2012/06/21-22 | 2nd Digital Agenda Assembly | Brussels, Belgium | The Assembly consists of an online engagement space launched ahead of the event, 8 workshops on key Digital Agenda topics and a plenary session to report feedback on previous discussions and hold debates on the way forward. View the full draft programme online. | | |
2012/06/2012 | Future Network & Mobile Summit 2012 | Berlin, Germany | This is the twenty-first in a series of Annual Conferences supported by the European Commission, which regularly attracts over 500 delegates from industry and research to share experiences and research results, identify future trends, discuss business opportunities and identify opportunities for international research collaboration under the ICT Theme of Framework Programme 7 (FP7). It will thus contribute to showcasing European research in the field, and position it within the multiplicity of related initiatives supported in other regions of the world. | Gone! | |
2012/06/20 | SESERV Workshop "Socio-economic Certainties and Change for the Future Internet" | Brussels, Belgium | The workshop will feature analysis and thought leadership in the Future Internet ecosystem: such as internet provision, Cloud computing, networked media and the “internet of things”. | | View |
2012/06/18-22 | IoT Week 2012 | Venice, Italy | The event will feature a conference with high level presentations from IoT experts, the 2nd event of the shortly and well started IoT International Forum, project meetings and workshops around the European discussions and technological development of the Internet of Things. | | |
2012/06/11 | Joint ITU-T SG 13 and ISO/JTC1/SC 6 workshop on "Future Networks standardization" | Geneva, Switzerland | The goals of this workshop are to identify commonalities and differences in the work progressed by each group, and to assess if those differences can be solved. | | View |
2012/06/04-15 | ITU-T Study Group 13 Meeting | Geneva, Switzerland | Study Group 13 leads ITU's work on standards for next generation networks (NGN) and future networks. | | |
2012/06/04-15 | ITU-T Study Group 13 Meeting | Geneva, Switzerland | Progress of Y.FNsocioeconomic | | |
2012/06/04-08 | Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2012) | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | Goal is to look beyond borders and to stimulate the exchange of ideas across different communities and among PhD students. | | View |