Events >
Events 2011
Showing 37 items
Date | Event | Location | Description | Important Deadlines | FISE Outcomes |
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Date | Event | Location | Description | Important Deadlines | FISE Outcomes |
2011/12/20 | FInES Cluster meeting | Brussels, Belgium | Cluster meeting for the Future Internet Enterprise Systems | More soon in the next FISE newsletter | / |
2011/11/2-4 | GENI Engineering Conference GEC12 | Kansas City, USA | The Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) is open and broadly inclusive to catalyze groundbreaking discoveries and innovation in emerging global technological and social networks | ||
2011/10/28 | KuVS ELG Meeting | Mannheim, Germany | The KuVS expert group was founded and ever since supported by GI and ITG to investigate questions regarding communication and distributed systems | ||
2011/10/27 | FISE-WG Workshop: How Disruptive Technologies Influence the FI Business Ecosystem | Future Internet Week, Poznan | The purpose of this workshop will be to share analysis, discuss and debate how disruptive technologies will influence the Future Internet business ecosystem. The expected outcome would be a shared understanding of FI business ecosystem, the stakeholders and a comparison of approaches used to understand both baseline and future scenarios | 12 Aug 2011 Call for presentations announced; 23 Sep 2011 Deadline for 1 page abstracts; 30 Sept 2011 Notification of accepted presentations | |
2011/10/24-28 | FISE-WG FIA Session "Value creation, value flows and liability over virtual resources”. | Poznan, Poland | Discussion and debate on emerging values within the FI Business Ecosystem with the increasing reliance on virtualised networks, services and things | ||
2011/10/10-21 | ITU-T NGN-GSI Event | Geneva, Switzerland | ITU-T NGN-GSI (Next Generation Networks Global Standards Initiative) Event: Co-located Meetings of Study Groups 11 and 13 | ||
2011/10/06-07 | Future Networks 8th FP7 Concertation Meeting | Brussels, Belgium | FP7 Obj1.1 Collaboration for exchange of results and achievements, and build consensus | Done | |
2011/10/06 | IEEE CS TCCC Execom Meeting | Bonn, Germany | The Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) of the IEEE Computer Society ran its annual Executive Committee meeting in collocation with the 36th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), its flagship conference | ||
2011/09/28-29 | Internet of Services Concertation | Brussels, Belgium | Collaboration between Objective 1.2 projects including SESERV participation in Trust and Security WG/Techno-socio economics WG | Done | |
2011/09/27-29 | NEM-Networked Media Summit 2011 | Torino, Italy | NEM Initiative, the Networked and Electronic Media Technology Platform, is organising the fourth edition of its main annual conference | Done | No attendance or specific outcome for FISE |
2011/09/27 | 1st ULOOP Industrial Workshop | Berlin, Germany | The first ULOOP industrial workshop is an event focused on igniting the debate concerning the impact of user-centric wireless networks both from a regulation and from an economic perspective. | Done | |
2011/09/23 | FIArch Workshop | Brussels, Belgium | The main objective is to define a common set of architectural design principles and a reference architecture of the Future Internet that can guide and unify key technology developments in the future | ||
2011/09/20 | New ICTs + New Media = New Democracy? Communications policy and public life in the age of broadband | Washington, DC, USA | An “experts’ workshop” organized by New America Foundation (Washington, DC) and the Institute for Information Policy of The Pennsylvania State University | Networks for Citizen Consultation and Citizen Sourcing of Expertise: Exploring Innovations in the Public Sector | |
2011/09/07-09 | Paradiso Conference 2011 | Brussels, Belgium | Internet and societies – New innovation paths | Done | The Future of Internet and Societies |
2011/07/04-05 | Effectsplus 2nd Cluster Meeting | VU University , Amsterdam | 2nd meeting to discuss research challenges for FP8 in trust and security | Done | Meeting Report |
2011/06/28 | SESERV Workshop: Building the Future Internet: The Social Nature of Technical Choices | University of Oxford, U.K. | Workshop and seminar entitled "Building the Future Internet: The Social Nature of Technical Choices". | Done | Videos and Reports |
2011/06/28 | SESERV Debate: Will the Design of the Future Internet Be Driven by Technology or Societal Concerns? | University of Oxford, U.K. | Public debate on "Will the Design of the Future Internet Be Driven by Technology or Societal Concerns?" | Done | The Debate Podcast |
2011/06/16-17 | The 1st Digital Agenda Assembly | Brussels, Belgium | Assess progress to date on delivery towards the Digital Agenda's goals and actions and seek ways to improve delivery; Identify challenges ahead for the implementation of the Digital Agenda and for the information society in general; Mobilise stakeholders' actions to make further progress and address challenges. | Done | Final Report |
2011/06/15-17 | Future Network and Mobile Summit 2011 | Warsaw, Poland | Twentieth in a series of Annual Conferences supported by the European Commission, which regularly attracts over 600 delegates from industry and research to share experiences and research results, identify future trends and discuss business opportunities | Done | |
2011/06/14 | Future Networks: 5th Future Internet Cluster Workshop | Warsaw, Poland | Special Focus on Future Network Architectures | Done | |
2011/06/13-17 | 5th International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2011) | Nancy, France | The AIMS conference is a single-track event integrating normal conference paper sessions, tutorials, keynotes, and a PhD student workshop into a highly interactive event. One of the goals of AIMS is to look beyond borders and to stimulate the exchange of ideas across different communities and among PhD students. | Done | Meeting Digest |
2011/06/01 | 2nd ETICS Workshop | Versailles | Economics and Technologies for Inter-Carrier Services | Done | |
2011/05/23-27 | 12th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management | Dublin, Ireland | The 12th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management features in 2011 the theme "Effective and Energy Efficient Management of Network and Services." | Done | Socio-economic Priorities in Network and Service Management Across Domains |
2011/05/18 | FIA Budapest Session on "The Network Lost in the Cloud?" | Budapest, Hungary | Lack of a common view on clouds and the role of the network | Done | Lack of a common view on clouds and the role of the network |
2011/05/18 | Keynote by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi at FIA Budapest | Budapest, Hungary | Network Science: From the Internet to Human Communications | Done | Network Science: From the Internet to Human Communications |
2011/05/18 | FIA Budapest Session on Economics of Privacy | Budapest, Hungary | FISE is co-organizing the Economics of Privacy session. | Done | The Economics of Privacy Debate |
2011/05/18 | FIA Budapest Session on Information-centric Networking | Budapest, Hungary | Stakeholders, incentives, and choice in information-centric networking? | Done | Stakeholders, incentives, and choice in information-centric networking? |
2011/05/18 | FIA Budapest Session on Security and Usability | Budapest, Hungary | Usability challenges in security design | Done | Usability challenges in security design |
2011/05/16 | Future Networks: 4th Future Internet Cluster Workshop | Budapest | 4th in a series of workshops, focus this time is ICT and sustainability | Done | Supermarket Style Energy Saving “Buy One Get One 50% Off” |
2011/05/09-20 | ITU-T NGN-GSI Event | Geneva, Switzerland | NGN-GSI (Next Generation Networks Global Standards Initiative) Event: Co-located Rapporteur group Meetings (Study Groups 11 and 13) | Done | Contribution to Y.3001 (Future networks: Objectives and design goals) Recommendation |
2011/04/11 | Brussels, Belgium | Done | Moral Panics over the Internet | ||
2011/03/30 | Effectsplus Trustworthy ICT Workshop | Brussels, Belgium | FP8 Research Roadmap Cluster Workshop | Done | Resilient Communities and Digital Jail Presentation |
2011/03/21 | 8th IEEE International Workshop on Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Services (MUCS 2011) | Seattle, Washington, USA | Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Services | Done | 8th International Workshop on Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Services (MUCS 2011) |
2011/02/16 | OII Expert Workshop on “Following Our Digital Footprints” | Oxford, UK | OII Expert Workshop on “Following Our Digital Footprints” | Done | Expert Workshop on “Following Our Digital Footprints” |
2011/02/15 | UK Digital Economy Research Presentation | Oxford, UK | Horizon Digital Economy Research: Its Challenges and Objectives | Done | UK Digital Economy Research Presentation |
2011/02/11 | Future Internet Cluster Meeting | Brussels, Belgium | The SESERV Coordination Action and the SmoothIT project organized a joint panel on “Economic and user perspective of Inter-ISP traffic optimization”. | Done | Future Internet Cluster Meeting Digest |
2011/02/10 | Future Networks 7th FP7 Concertation Meeting | Brussels | Collaboration meeting between projects funded by Challenge 1 objective 1.1 | Done | Socio-economic Design Goals for Future Networks |
Showing 37 items