FISE 2012 Focus Groups: Survey Results

posted 17 Jan 2012, 05:31 by Brian Pickering   [ updated 23 Jan 2012, 01:29 ]

Back in October 2011, the SESERV project invited you to take part in an online survey in preparation for a number of focus groups to discuss and debate important themes related to the Future Internet Ecosystem. As a result of the SESERV Workshop in June, we identified a range of economic and societal challenges which need to be considered. The survey ran till late December, and we have now analysed the results: and Thank You to all who took the time to respond! The attached report summarises the conclusions from the responses we received. We decided to set the Focus Groups going at the forthcoming SESERV Athens workshop with some of the respondees attending the event. More Focus Groups will follow at other events. So watch this space. View the report on  scribd.