Participate in FISE 2012 Focus Groups

posted 24 Oct 2011, 14:00 by Michael Boniface   [ updated 25 Oct 2011, 01:35 by Brian Pickering ]
The SESERV project will be organising a series of focus groups throughout 2012 to discuss and debate important themes related to the Future Internet Ecosystem. The objective of the groups are to take a deeper dive into challenges identified throughout 2011 as published in the annual reports on Future Internet economic and societal activities.

We have created a short survey that aims to understand the Future Internet community priorities. The results of the survey will be used to select five focus group topics. 

This survey is not anonymous, since as part of our role with the Commission, we will be inviting representatives of some of the projects and individuals to participate. However, any report or publication of these data will be aggregated and anonymized so your responses will not be individually identifiable. This is a short survey, and should only take 10 minutes of your time. If you have trouble with the survey, please contact

Please fill in the survey at

The schedule for establishing the Focus Groups is given below: 

  • 24 Oct: survey and expression of interest published
  • 18 Nov: survey and expression of interest closes
  • 22 Nov: Focus Group members invited
  • 9 Dec: Focused Groups finalised
If you have any specific questions please contact