Mike Surridge from IT Innovation gave a short presentation to the EFFECTS Plus cluster meeting developing a research roadmap for Trustworthy ICT in the Future Internet. Trustworthy ICT research was once concerned only with information security technologies: authentictaion, encryption, access control, etc. Today this research is far more socially aware, considering aspects such as individual privacy and developing privacy-enhancing technologies so users can prove their access rights on the Internet without revealing their identity. But sometimes even this isn't enough - one has to consider the tussle between an individual's right to privacy, and the right of an online community to protect itself from abusers. This suggests we need a more balanced understanding of the right to privacy in the context of community participation - and security technologies that support a balanced resolution of the conflict between privacy and accountability. This isn't going to be easy, as this conflict is still not fully resolved in offline media (c.f. the current debate about super-injunctions taken out by public figures against the UK press). Will the Future Internet be able to cope with this? Watch this space... |
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