Special Issue on "Socio-economic Issues of Next Generation Networks" available

posted 8 Jul 2011, 06:40 by Patrick Poullie   [ updated 8 Jul 2011, 06:45 ]
The Guest Editors Burkhard Stiller, UZH, Switzerland; Peter Reichl, FTW,

Austria; Bruno Tuffin, INRIA, France; Trinh Anh Tuan, BME, Hungary have
worked with the Telecommunication Systems Journal on a Special Issue on
"Socio-economic Issues of Next Generation Networks", which did appear by
now in Vol. 47, 2011 (http://www.springerlink.com/content/1018-4864/)

The respective editorial and the four papers relate to the following key
words: Incentives, Economic Management, Quality-of-Experience, Charging,
Socio-economics, Network Neutrality, Inter-domain Aspects

Four papers form this special issue, which had been determined out of 15
papers submitted, and they cover the following topics:

1. Logarithmic laws in service quality perception: where microeconomics
meets psycho-physics and quality of experience

2. A model of network neutrality with usage-based

3. Stock provisioning strategies for QoS at the inter-domain

4. Inter-carrier SLA negotiation using Q-learning