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SESERV offers you three ways to engage with the FISE community, each designed to support different levels of participation. Whether your are working in an FP7 project and need a socio-economic perspective on your work or you just want to be kept informed about what is happening there is a way to get involved. Join us on LinkedIn, join us on Twitter, join the FISE mailing list, or just send a message to and we will get back to you.
  • Share: simply subscribe to our channels to get the last information on FISE from those studying and those building the Future Internet

  • Contribute: provide your viewpoint through posts* and comments on the SESERV website and discussions on LinkedIn and Twitter

  • Collaborate: work with us directly to understand the impact of FP7 projects, future research priorities and get to attend targeted workshops and debates

SESERV supports the FISE community online and through real-world level events. Figure 1 highlights how the conversation between those who study and those who build the Future Internet will be supported. These are described in more detail below:
  • SESERV Portal: an online portal supporting the Future Internet Socio-Economics community

  • Future Internet Assembly: sessions at the Future Internet Assemly on socio-economic topics to bring the viewpoints of socio-economic experts to those building the Future Internet
  • SESERV Workshops: dedicated workshops which provide balanced multidisciplinary viewpoints, discussion and debate key socio-economic topics related to the needs to the Challenge 1 community

  • Project Liaison: direct engagement with a representative set of projects across ICT challenge to understand socio-economic priorities, to build socio-economic project profiles and to understand future research directions in FP7 and FP8

* How to post on the SESERV Website
  1. Make sure you have prepared a text, headline, and a picture to constitute your post. The picture does not need to be to significant but somehow related to the post.
  2. Mail your name, affiliation, and Google account to If you do not hold the latter, please set it up, as it is technically necessary to post on the website. Note that an email address also serves as an Google account.
  3. You receive an email as soon your account was unlocked to post on the SESERV website.