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The Future Internet: Pushing the Technology Boundaries: SAIL (Luis Correia)
SAIL designs technologies for the Networks of the Future and develop techniques to transition from today's networks to such future concepts. SAIL leverages state-of-the-art architectures and technologies, extends them as needed, and integrates them. SAIL uses experimentally-driven research, building prototypes that will validate the advantages in concrete use cases.
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The Future Internet: Pushing the Technology Boundaries: N4C (Elwyn Davies)
N4C is a research project which has developed solutions for basic Internet access in remote regions where it is not simple, cheap or, even, feasible to have Internet in any of the conventional ways that town dwellers have come to expect.
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The Future Internet: Pushing the Technology Boundaries: PERSIST/SOCIETIES (Kevin Doolin)
SOCIETIES develops a complete, integrated Community Smart Space (CSS), which extends pervasive systems beyond the individual to dynamic communities of users. CSSs embraces on-line community services, such as social networking in order to offer new and powerful ways of working, communicating and socialising.
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The Future Internet: Pushing the Technology Boundaries: Fi3P (Jonathan Cave)
Study in support of a Future Internet Public-Private Partnership is a study funded by the European Commission, DG Information Society and Media. The objective of this study is to identify the potential economic and societal longer-term impacts of the public-private partnership proposed in the Commission communication "A public-private partnership on Future Internet."
The Future Internet: Pushing the Technology Boundaries: FAME (J Martin Serrano)
The Federated, Autonomic Management of End-to-end communications services (FAME) Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) develops autonomic management solutions incorporating new semantic analysis techniques, that can be applied to build federated network and service management systems that understand changes in the environment and coordinate their actions to reconfigure network resources and services to effectively deliver services on an end-to-end basis.
The Future Internet (Nicole Dewandre)
Dr Nicole Dewandre (Advisor
to the Director General, in charge of the coordination and the promotion of the
DAE societal interface, in DG "Information Society and Media", in the
European Commission).
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The Future Internet: Debate: Will the Design of the Future Internet be Driven by Technology or Societal Concerns?
In this debate the 3 speakers take opposing viewpoints about the Future of the Internet providing an engaging debate. Prof. Sally Wyatt - University of Maastricht; Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW).
Prof. Robin Williams - Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation, University of Edinburgh
Dr. Jonathan Cave - Economics Department, University of Warwick