Future Internet Assembly 2012: From Promises to Reality - SESERV's successful submissions

posted 15 May 2012, 05:04 by Patrick Poullie
SESERV has received two out of three best paper awards for the FIA book contributions at the Aalborg FIA on May 11, 2012, which outlines a major impact and excellence of work SESERV has pursued. The first of these papers, entitled "Cross-Disciplinary Lessons for the Future Internet", was presented at the FIA's closing plenary meeting by Anne-Marie Oostveen. The paper addresses societal aspects (WP2) and is also available in an extended version. The second paper awarded addresses economics (WP3) and is entitled "Design Principles for the Future Internet Architecture". Furthermore, the paper "A Tussle Analysis for Information-Centric Networking Architectures", which was also submitted by SESERV, appears as a FIA book chapter, as well.