SESERV workshop on the 'The interplay of economics and technology for the Future Internet'

On the 31st of January 2012 the SESERV consortium organised the second scientific workshop ‘The interplay of economics and technology for the Future Internet’ in Athens, Greece and continued our long-term objective in bridging the gap between those who study and those who build the Internet. While the 1st scientific SESERV workshop in Oxford was primarily focused on the societal aspects of Future Internet, the Athens workshop tried to highlight the importance of stakeholders' economic interests to Future Internet architecture and policy development. 

The objectives of the workshop were: 
  1. to present economic issues related to the adoption and usage of technologies (including new pricing schemes) as well as to other regulatory aspects of the Future Internet (such as interconnection, network neutrality, infrastructure-based competition, etc.). 
  2. to discuss and elaborate through breakout working sessions on the potential advantages and drawbacks of following the 'tussle-awareness' paradigm upon designing Internet technologies. To this end, selected case studies from several FP7 research projects will be used to identify how conflicts of interest arise when existing and foreseen technologies are utilized and what the potential economic externalities may be. 
  3. to debate topics such as 'one Internet vs. multiple internets', the role of regulator, the role of economics etc. Participants with opposing viewpoints were invited to ensure the debates were robust.
  4. to advance the awareness of SESERV on the related needs of the FI community, and give/receive feedback.

A broad set of stakeholders participated to the event, including members from research projects, industry representatives, regulatory bodies, policy officials, as well as academics.

The agenda of the Workshop was as follows:
Morning sessions
Welcome speech - Prof. Costas COURCOUBETIS, SESERV
Welcome speech - Ms. Petronela BURCEAG, EC
Keynote speech - Internet Market Failures: Technological Causes and Solutions, Dr. Bob BRISCOE (video), (ppt)
Keynote speech - The Evolution of Business Models in the Internet: Sending Party Network Pays as the basis for quality of service support (QoS) in the Internet, Dr. Falk von BORNSTAEDT (video), (ppt)
Keynote speech - Internet Traffic Management in the UK, Ms. Alissa COOPER (video), (ppt)

Tussle analysis sessions
Tussle analysis seminar - Introduction to tussle analysis methodology - Prof. C. COURCOUBETIS (video), (ppt)
Tussle analysis seminar - Illustrative Tussle analysis for DNS, TCP - Dr. C. KALOGIROS (video), (ppt)
Tussle analysis seminar - Tussle analysis for FP7 research project ETICS case studies - Dr. M. DRAMITINOS (video), (ppt)

Parallel Focus Group 1 - User-centricity and transparency of Future Internet technologies, with an emphasis on wireless technologies (video from feedback session)
Parallel Focus Group 2 - Content and service delivery architectures for the Future Internet, with an emphasis on Information-centric technologies (video from feedback session)
Parallel Focus Group 3 - Interconnection agreements and monitoring, with an emphasis on technologies promoting collaboration between ISPs(video from feedback session)

Afternoon sessions
Keynote speech - Two-sided perspectives on network neutrality, Prof. Robin MASON (video), (ppt)
Discussion panel on the role of economics to the Internet evolution, Chairman: Prof. G. STAMOULIS, SESERV (video)
Feedback on break-out sessions (video)